IBM EdTech Youth Challenge with Wildlife Habitat Council


IBM EdTech Youth Challenge with Wildlife Habitat Council

Clean air. Water quality. Biodiversity loss. Access to outdoor recreation. These are some of the critical environmental issues that concern and impact young adults in the Chicago Metro area today. It’s time to use technologies to help solve them.

IBM and Wildlife Habitat Council have teamed up to bring you the IBM EdTech Youth Challenge.  Teams of students, aged 18-25, enrolled in a Chicago Metro college will have the opportunity to think about one of these environmental sustainability problems and then design possible solutions to these issues through the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cloud.

The winning team will have a virtual 2 week-long internship with experts from IBM and our partners to implement their solutions!

Form teams of 2-5 individuals to design a solution concept that addresses one of the environmental issues (Clean air, water quality, biodiversity loss, and access to outdoor recreation) using IBM technologies, including Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cloud. Team members must be enrolled in a 2- or 4-year college (full or part-time) in the Chicago Metro area and be between the ages of 18-25.

Register for the Challenge and gain access to online resources including virtual mentoring sessions with IBM, WHC and partners.

Deadline for registration is June 1, 2021

Dates and more details on the website.