eeWEBINARS: Bringing New Ideas and Innovation to the Field of EE
Each month, NAAEE offers hour-long webinars on topics of key interest to environmental education professionals in formal and nonformal settings that will help raise the bar on the quality of EE programs, expand the scope and reach of these programs and social movements, and improve the way we communicate about our field.
The NAAEE monthly webinar series on eePRO is part of NAAEE and EPA's ee360+ initiative, presented in partnership with members of our Affiliate Network.
Also, join us for eeINSPIRE, presented in partnership with the U.S. Forest Service. This NAAEE webinar series is designed to bring new ideas and thinking to USFS conservation educators, who provide the public with high-quality environmental education programs across the country and beyond. Anyone interested in the topics can join. Look for the eeINSPIRE logo on eeWEBINAR posts.