Using Garden Towers in Your Course

Join the Higher Education eePRO Group on Friday, September 22 at 12 PM Central for our monthly webinar!
We're excited to begin our monthly webinars with Kim Yates, who will be sharing her wonderful experiences with using tower gardens in her courses and community. Here’s a bit more about Kim:
Kim Yates is an Associate Professor in the College of Education at Northern Kentucky University. She teaches science methods courses for pre-service teachers as well as environmental education courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels. She holds a doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction from Montana State University. In addition to her role as an educator, Dr. Yates is the Director of NKU’s Center for Environmental Education and a facilitator for the Kentucky Association for Environmental Education. Her past research includes the implementation of school gardens and other topics in environmental education, including connecting to nature. To further engage students and community members in environmental education and sustainability, she routinely collaborates with university and community partners to offer workshops and professional development activities, for both formal and non-formal educators.