Survive the Sound Educator Training


Survive the Sound Educator Training

This is a 2-hour STEM Clock Hours course designed to inform educators on how to incorporate Long Live the Kings' Survive the Sound Salmon Curriculum into their classroom! If you are interested in salmon education, watershed lessons, or marine science in general, this is the course for you!

Long Live the Kings is a non-profit Salmon Recovery organization working to restore salmon and steelhead populations in the Pacific Northwest. In the first week of May, we will kick off our Survive the Sound event where kids and kids-at-heart can follow a real live steelhead on its journey towards the Puget Sound! You and your students can root for your favorite fish as they travel down one of three local rivers- the Duwamish, the Nisqually, or the Skokomish. 

This course will provide you with the information and knowledge necessary to incorporate Survive the Sound into your existing curriculum and improve your Salmon Education in general. During this class, learn how our Salmon Science Lessons address NGSS learning standards and align with Washington science curriculum, Amplify and Washington State’s Tribal Sovereignty-based Social Studies curriculum, Since Time Immemorial. Whether in person or online, Survive the Sound is a great tool for Salmon Education. This training is geared towards helping teachers gain a familiarity with our place-based online resource, Survive the Sound, and prepare educators to engage their students with this fish migration game and accompanying activities.