Graduate Program & Online Courses for Masters in Leadership for Sustainability at the University of Vermont


Graduate Program & Online Courses for Masters in Leadership for Sustainability at the University of Vermont

The Leadership for Sustainability Master’s Program at the University of Vermont is designed for emerging and experienced leaders from a variety of professional sectors who wish to deepen their capacity to catalyze change and transcend boundaries.

At this moment in time, it is not enough to simply do more of what we’ve been doing.  We need to do things differently.  This program explores leadership practices inspired by the wisdom of nature and grounded in a critical inquiry of the ideologies, assumptions, and patterns of power and privilege that underlie our change-making efforts.

This two-year, low residency program offers a blend of week-long residential intensives and interactive online courses.  Students join a dynamic, diverse, and relationship-centered learning ecosystem while staying physically rooted in their own home communities.  The program also provides unique individualized support through professional coaching, feedback, and a student-designed capstone project. The program is supported by a renowned network of faculty and professional affiliates from around the world.  In addition, students choose one of three applied areas of specialization that provide specific knowledge and skills. These include Ecological Leadership, Education for Sustainability, or Ecological Economics.

At the heart of this program is our dedication to participate in creating conditions for all life to thrive.  We are committed to supporting a diverse and equitable learning ecosystem.  Learn more about our approach and our Multicultural Scholarship opportunities here.

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