CESCL: Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead Training


CESCL: Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead Training

Day 1, and the first part of day 2 is spent in the classroom, discussing regulations, discussing impacts to water quality and construction activity, learning the reporting and recordkeeping requirements of the permit, and examining the most up-to-date erosion and sediment control techniques using examples and case studies. Best Management Practices (BMP) products are brought into the class to allow students to see first hand the types of control measures there are available to them in the industry. At the end of the morning on Day 2, the required CESCL exam will be given. 

On the afternoon of day 2, the class will visit a field site to learn more about the BMP products and practice correctly installing a variety of erosion control BMPs. Other BMP demonstrations will also be conducted and the BMP installations performed by the students will be tested against a mock rain event.