Lillie Daniel

Lillie Daniel (She/her)

Environmental Educator

Americorps EELCorps


Roles at NAAEE



Biodiversity, Conservation, Ecosystems, Sustainability

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AmeriCorps Environmental Educator and Lab Technician

Senior, Life Science and Educational Studies Dual Major; Sustainability Concentration; Environmental Science, Biology, and Psychology Minors

Thomas More University

Lillie will be a senior this upcoming fall at Thomas More University. She is dual majoring in life science and educational studies with a concentration in sustainability and minors in environmental science, biology, and psychology. At Thomas More, she is the President of the Blue and Green Club and serves on the University Sustainability Committee. Over the past year, Lillie worked in forest health and ecology with Boone County Conservation District where she gained experience in field work, research, and wildlife monitoring techniques. Her interests include geology, conservation, hiking, and drawing. This summer she is excited to share her passion for nature through the environmental education program while gaining experience in husbandry and continuing research.

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