Jacob Park
Professor of Strategy, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship
Green Mountain College
Roles at NAAEE
Jacob's project seeks to educate and engage local farmers and food producers on the emerging relationship between global climate change and the local food system, in partnership with the Rutland Area Farm and Food. Vermont has an amazing network of sustainable food producers, marketers, educators, as well as citizens interested in local/sustainable food and agricultural issues (most notably the Vermont Farm to Plate Network) and Jacob hopes to utilize this abundant energy/resource every possible way in the project. Vermont Food System Atlas is a great starting point for anybody who is interested in food system issues and/or Vermont. Jacob is very proud of the community-based research and engagement work that his students and peer faculty members at Green Mountain College are involved in every year. Check out this three minute video from the final student presentation (“Roadmap for Flood Resiliency: From Understanding Risks to Devising Community Action”) from a climate change and flood resiliency service learning project from the Spring 2014 semester.
Jacob is a Vermont-based academic who specializes in research and teaching of the important links between business management, public policy, and global environmental change, most notably climate change. He is actively involved in a wide range of Vermont-based, national, and international scientific, business, and educational initiatives, including as a member of:
Edmond J. Safra Network Fellow at Harvard University's Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics
Renewable Energy and Adaptation to Climate Change (REACT) Investment Committee of the Kenya-based Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund
Thematic Lead of the IUCN/World Conservation Union’s Commission on Ecosystem Management’s Ecosystem and Private Sector Group
Senior Fellow and former Board Member, Environmental Leadership Program
Chair, Program Committee and Board Member, Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility
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