Andre Steenkamp

Andre Steenkamp

Environmental Educator

Self Employed


Roles at NAAEE



Biodiversity, Citizen Science, Climate Change, Conservation, Culture and Art, E-STEM, Ecosystems, Environmental Literacy, EPA Priority, Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, Marine, Natural Resources, Nonformal Education, PreK-12, Water


University of South Africa

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I am a passionate environmental educator an nature guide from South Africa. I have had the good fortune to have worked in many, many spectacular spots, with *thousands of people, from the grassy highlands of Mpumalanga to the shores of the Indian Ocean. 20 years so far

*200 000 to date

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Andre Steenkamp 20 Highgate Park, Durban Phone: 08789635323 Email: Personal Statement Environmental Educator and Nature Guide with 20+ years in the field. Worked for two of the strongest environmental NGOs in South Africa and went on to start an environmental education and skills training consultancy. Work Experience Self-employed (Environmental Education {EE} Services) January 2014 - current Initiated an EE consultancy Landed a 18 Month contract with the eThekwini Municipality/DUCT with their Durban Green Corridor Initiative, in training their site guides to offer curriculum aligned EE at various adventure centres along the Umgeni Rivers Course I conducted EE skills training for the (WLS) Wilderness Leadership School‘s trail guides that they may offer EE to schools and I managed the Pride of Stainbank Program from then on. I helped develop a Homeschool Curriculum, implemented solely outdoors. I trained 6 candidates on behalf of the WLS for the Krantzkloof Conservancy. The candidates were led though the (FGASA) Field Guide Association of South Africa, level 1 syllabus. I conducted snorkel safaris, beach hikes, marine biology programs and Rocky Shore night walks for Tidal Tao Snorkel Safaris with tourists and schools. This focused on awareness and importance of the Marine systems and our impacts I facilitated adult EE for the Green Camp, SANDF and CSAP. These were short awareness programs for the general public I conducted Tree identification course for the Durban Girls High School eco-club I trained 13 people for the Wilderness Leadership School (WLS). I led them through the majority of the FGASA level 1 syllabus. (from Geology to Mammals)and continued as a facilitator on subsequent WLS FGASA guide training courses. I facilitated on a ecotourism skills program for the International Crane Foundation, EWT and ETC-Africa. This took place in Rwanda on the Rugezi Marsh in the North Western province. I developed an EE program for the WLS to be rolled out at the Pilanesberg. I joined the South Durban Tourism Association Committee in the environmental portfolio and led tours to educate Durban Tourism staff about SODURBA tourist routes (from cultural to natural) Led marine focused education programs for Zebra Shark Adventures, Breathe Ocean Conservation and Philocaly Trail Volunteered at CROW - Centre for Rehabilitation of Wildlife, for 1 month. I cleaned and prepared enclosures and participated in their EE program. Trained FGASA Marine Site Guides for Zebra Shark Adventures, sponsored by Oceans Alive Birdlife South Africa (BLSA) Centre Manager: (2009 - 2013) Management of a 30 bedded establishment and a campsite on a 114 hectare of Grassland adjacent to the Wakkerstroom Wetland Oversaw and undertook general facilities maintenance Took general bookings and managed a community bird guide Updated the tourist maps and information to visitors Stakeholder engagement: sat on the Wakkerstroom Natural Heritage Association committee (WNHA) Facilitation of environmental education courses for local youths through sponsorship from the WNHA – Bird ID and Grassland/Wetland Interpretative Trails Sat on the Wakkerstroom Bird Club Committee, in partnership with whom the Crane Hide on the property was retrofitted to conform to BLSA’s suggestion on Universally Accessible Hides Represented BLSA’s interest on the Wakkerstroom Protected Environment Management Committee – to contribute to the drawing up of the EMP for the proposed site Participated in the local CAR count, the Wakkerstroom Town count, SABAP 2 and Southern Bald Ibis monitoring Environmental Education: I worked with 2 000 learners from 25 schools in Southern Mpumalanga, between Ermelo and Piet Retief. Trained 20 learners each on Interpretive trails through our Grassland and conducted water studies at the wetland Visited schools and advised on environmental projects to mitigate their greatest impact; erosion, litter) Team Building Weekends with a focus on Bird ID, Snake ID and Frogging evenings to various public groups Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa (WESSA) Senior Education Officer: (2002 - 2008) Led walking trails with all age groups (the trails were generally ecosystem focused (rocky & sandy shores, dunes, mangroves, forests and wetlands) Facilitated on urban studies and tailor made skills development programs, from tree identification to geomorphology Facilitated on teacher skills workshops (sponsored by SAPREF) Facilitated on Environmental Education Courses for adults Lectured, first and second year – Wildlife Management at DUT Trained nature site guides for the Working for Ecosystems Poverty Alleviation Project as well as managed their invasive alien plant control program. Developed resource materials (work sheets, puzzle & games) Conducted workshops and contact sessions for Adopt-a-Beach, Blue Flag, Eco- Schools, Toyota Teach and Eco-Access Assisted the Durban Botanical Gardens and the Durban Natural Science Museum in the training of their site guides Iphiva Bush Lodge Maintenance Manager/unofficial guide: (2000 - 2001) Led walking, canoe and boat tours within the reserve specialising in birds and the “smaller things” Entertaining guests on cruises around the lake Meeting and greeting clients Maintenance of facilities & assets (from Floating Chalets to 5hp boat motors) Stock Control Courses and Education 1992 Glenwood Boys High School Matric Certificate: English, Afrikaans, Maths, Biology, Geography and History Skills Development 2001 FGASA Level 1 2003 WESSA Shell – Environmental Educators Training Course 1993 WESSA Interpretation Focused EE Course 1993 Drum Beat Academy NQF Level 2 Nature Site Guide - 2004 2013 UNISA Course for Environmental Educators NQF Level 5 References: Mr Duncan Pritchard Director - ETC-Africa 0832255960 Mrs. Michelle Pritchard Director - Tidal Tao Snorkelling Safaris 0793070608 Ms Kristi Anne Garland Grasslands Environmental Education Project and Centre Manager 0832270128 Cherryl Curry CEO, Wilderness Leadership School 0314624656 Elzanne Marais Director, Zebra Shark Adventures: 0738210426

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