Starting Out / Best National Parks?


Starting Out / Best National Parks?

Hello, I'm new here. I'm not an EE professional, but I am exploring a career in EE. I've been doing it by volunteering. I've tried a number of different roles already and liked roving interpretation best. I would now like to take the next step and try an internship as an interpretive ranger. But!

Although I liked the work I didn't really like the organizations I worked for.

I tried one national wildlife refuge (but spoke to many more), a small for-profit kayak touring company, a state park and an urban non-profit land trust. Of all these, the NWR had the most satisfying work but the least satisfying working conditions, i.e. support, leadership & coworkers.

I have always wanted to try a national park but my own experiences with the government (both state & national), my research and what I've heard from a couple others tells me working for them is not a good idea - not for me. However I know there are always exceptions to the rule. I'm interested in finding out what those exceptions are.

For me, my priority is good leadership, a good training program, & a supportive work environment where good communication is stressed. Happy to elaborate if it would be helpful.

It would be great if anyone who has worked in a national park could share their experience. What did you like? What didn't you like? Which park did you work for? Thanks.