Citizen science webinar follow up


Citizen science webinar follow up

Danny Edelson (BSCS) and Mary Ford (National Geographic) gave a fantastic webinar about citizen science for the July edition of NAAEE's monthly webinar series. There were so many great questions, we barely got to scratch the surface! Please use this discussion thread to pose your lingering questions for Danny and Mary - they are eePROs and will be checking here to respond to your inquiries! If you missed the webinar but want to join in on the discussion, check out the recording here:

Hi there,

I recently watched the recording of this webinar. I was unable to attend due to other commitments but I did find it interesting and helpful. I didn't end up making it, but I was hoping to tune in late so I could ask the group about costs associated with citizen science projects. I work with a Canadian land trust and we are very interested in increasing the efficiency of our existing volunteer programs that collect monitoring data for us. I wonder what other people have found are the greatest costs, in terms of time or dollars, in setting up and organizing projects like these, collecting data, interpreting data, reporting on findings and assessing the overall success of the use of citizen science as a tool for other scientific purposes. What seems to be the hardest part of coordinating a citizen science program?

Rebecca Parker, Nova Scotia Nature Trust