2017 USDA ThinkWater Fellowship


2017 USDA ThinkWater Fellowship

We're seeing some great applications for the 2017 USDA ThinkWater Fellowship and looking forward to receiving lots more by the February 17th deadline!
The 2017 USDA ThinkWater Fellowship is designed to develop the systems thinking capacity of professionals in water education, extension, and outreach from strategic states, regions, and American Indian nations across the country.
We are seeking professionals who work in positions that would allow them to plan and implement education and outreach programs to teach systems thinking to audiences working on or concerned with water. Fellows will be expected to develop and implement a comprehensive plan to integrate systems thinking into their water education, extension and outreach work. Fellows will receive focused training and professional development over the course of several months that will enable them to lead systems thinking education and outreach over the long term. The 3rd annual Cornell Systems Thinking Symposium will provide a venue for Fellows to present their statewide strategy and early insights about implementation in their state.
We will select up to 10 outstanding applicants who work on water programming at a state or regional level, including Indian nations. Fellows will be taught the skills, approaches, and theoretical frameworks of systems thinking to apply directly to their water programming. Specifically, they will be taught a proven method for teaching the universal rules underlying systems thinking that is suitable for all ages and populations. For the 2017 fellowship year, we are particularly interested in educators working on water programming in the following strategic states/regions: California, Colorado, desert Southwest, Southeast United States, Chesapeake Bay region, Great Plains, Great Lakes region, and the Mississippi River basin.
For more details, including a link to the application, visit: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m2j43cdcNi-TX1DLhTIHocKZqkDKaJUxp1Xt...

Links: Fellowship announcement

Photos: https://dev7.naaee.org/system/files/harmony/images/st_symposium_1.jpg