Are you interested in improving your evaluation skills? MEERA: My Environmental Education Evaluation Research Assistant is a step-by-step evaluation process that is both comprehensive and easy to understand.
It’s going to be a big month for all of us both across the nation and ‘round the world. The celebration of Earth Day has been on April 22 since 1970, but this year there’s more happening than usual.
Both Carly and Rach work at Riveredge Nature Center in Wisconsin and what makes their story interesting is Riveredge’s (and two other centers) drive to hire different ability interns. Why? Well because inclusion means everyone.
The Global Environmental Education Partnership (GEEP) is pleased to share the first 10 cases as part of the GEEP case study collection.
Learn about Natural Start Training opportunities, remember to submit a session proposal by March 6th for the 2017 Nature-Based Preschool National Conference, hear from the Secret Forest Playschool and how they deal with winter challenges, keep up with the latest research, and lots more news.
NAAEE and the Microsoft Edge development team partnered to build a storytelling platform to show the impact of environmental education!
Undergraduate Rachel Loomis, a student at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, shares her experience attending a professional conference for the first time. Share with undergraduates that you work with!
Read the January News hot off the press, and learn about Natural Start's new series of in-person workshops and free webinars, hear from David Catlin about what it takes to develop a business plan for a nature preschool, find out how to submit a proposal for the 2017 Nature-Based Preschool National…
Workshops at Natural Start Official Training Sites help educators plan & implement high-quality, developmentally appropriate programs for young children. Every Natural Start workshop is a full-day experience of immersion in nature, professional development, and networking. Trainings are coordinated…
Do you teach environmental education at a college or university? Are you responsible for designing staff development? We've recently published five resource guides focused on each of NAAEE's Guidelines for Excellence publications.
Environmental Education Advocacy Call Thursday, Feb. 9th, 2-3 ET. All Are Welcome!
On behalf of the Socio-Scientific Committee of the World Environmental Education Congress, we invite you to submit an Abstract that addresses the WEEC2017 Congress Theme: Perspectives, Challenges and Innovation in Research | Perspectives, Défis et Innovation en Recherche | Perspectivas, Retos e…
The "Urban Environmental Education Review" book covers ideas related to urban context, theoretical underpinnings of urban EE, educational settings, participants, and educational approaches.
Learn how an outdoor classroom offers early literacy development and answers the question, "Will my child be ready for Kindergarten?" Read about a nature kindergarten operates within a public elementary school. Get ready to submit your proposal for the 2017 Nature-Based Preschool National Conference…
Announcement of the NAAEE post-election policy analysis and Thursday, Dec.1 conference call.
Check out some helpful tips for encouraging STEM learning, read about a new member who just opened her own nature-based preschool in Queens, catch up on the news and job opportunities, and mark down the dates for the 2017 Nature-based Preschool Conference in Seattle.
Read a recap of the 2016 Nature-based Preschool Conference, note the dates for the 2017 Nature-based Preschool Conference in Seattle, enjoy an interview with the director of Dodge Nature Preschool (one of the oldest nature preschools in the country), and check out the latest news and job…
For the November 2016 installment of our monthly webinar series, our panel of experts on diversity and inclusion in environmental movements will be returning to continue this important discussion. If you have questions about diversity, equity, and inclusion in environmental movements that you would…
The National Roundtable in Environmental and Sustainability Education in Pre-service Teacher Education was a success and resulted in a National Action plan and the Otonabee Declaration.
Exciting cross-cultural experience for young adults from Alaska and Los Angeles.
The NAAEE eePro Climate Change Education group and the NOAA Climate Education office invite YOU to join the #Teach4Climate social media campaign that started July 26 and runs till September 9th. It is easy. All the details are in the #Teach4Climate Back to School 2016 Media Kit.
Many students, teachers and school personnel have an interest in “greening” their school but have no idea of how to start. Read about how an environmental education consultant and her daughter engaged their local high school in the GreenSchools movement by strategically including all school…
DEADLINE PAST - - NAAEE has embarked on an exciting venture and we would like to ask for your assistance. NAAEE is developing a sixth set of guidelines as part of the National Project for Excellence in Environmental Education.
Tuesday, July 26, at 3PM EST:
“To be effective, collective impact must consider who is engaged, how they work together, and how progress happens.” Don't miss Dr. Nicole Ardoin speak about the potential for cross-sector coordination to initiate large scale social change in the next installment of…