Registration now open for NAAEE's research symposium

Registration now open for NAAEE's research symposium
15th Annual Research Symposium, Spokane #NAAEE2018
Tuesday, October 9, 2018-Wednesday, October 10, 2018
On behalf of the conference committee, RS co-chair Marcia McKenzie, chair Alan Reid, and past chair Nicole Ardoin, we warmly invite you to attend this year's RS in Spokane.
Thank you to those who submitted proposals for this event, we can confirm the final touches to the schedule are being made and will be announced soon. In the meantime, for a flavour of the RS and how to register, visit the registration packet at the link, follow the eePRO Research and Evaluation group, or see below:
NAAEE’s annual Research Symposium brings together new and experienced researchers from around the globe to explore the current state and future directions of environmental education research and advance the use of practices proven to be effective. The symposium facilitates discussion about research in progress, fosters dialog about research-community partnerships, and provides opportunities for emerging as well as seasoned researchers to develop and expand their research skills.
The keynote events and concurrent sessions of the 2018 Research Symposium are organized around three themes:
- New Horizons in EE Research: Explore ideas and challenge of the age that might inspire and drive the next generation of EE research.
- Intergenerational Conversations: Focus on new opportunities and challenge for researchers, research, and the Research Symposium, using an intergenerational conversation format.
- Stories from Research: Discuss works in progress, the stories behind research, and how what we have learned might guide or prepare us for future research.
In addition, there will be opportunities to meet with colleagues and mentors to discuss publishing and career advice, issues and concerns in the world of research, next steps for the Research Symposium, and how to hack #enviroed, among other topics.
The Symposium include the Research Symposium and Awards Reception on Tuesday, and the Graduate Student & Early Career breakfast on Wednesday. Optional Pre-Symposium Events for Research Symposium Participants include:
- EE Research Field Session: Place Matters for Research in EE - Monday, October 8, 2:00 PM–5:00 PM
- Research Networking Dinner - Monday, October 8, 7:00 PM–9:30 PM
More details on all of the above, including the main conference and how to register, at: