Data and EE at the 2021 NAAEE conference

We look forward to seeing many of you (virtually!) at NAAEE's 50th Annual Conference (October 12–15) & Research Symposium (October 7–8)! Don't miss out on the amazing benefits this conference offers, including recordings of sessions available through April 2022, reduced fees starting as low as $35, and inspiring keynote speakers.
Below is a list of sessions relevant to data and EE at the conference to help you plan for the weeks ahead, including sessions on curricula and lesson plans integrating local, national, and global data components and others on environmental communication and storytelling, among many other exciting topics! Explore the entire list of sessions at
We also welcome you to join the eePRO Data Literacy Group meeting on Monday, October 4 from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM EDT (time conversion here). Grab your breakfast, dinner, or midnight snack—wherever you are, join us to meet fellow attendees with an interest in data & EE! This meeting is open to conference attendees and accessible on the conference platform.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Best regards,
Max, Sarah, and Gustavo
eePRO Data Literacy Group Moderators
October 4, 2021
Poster presentations
Using Model-Based Climate Simulations in Secondary Science Classrooms: A Longitudinal Study
It is critical to support students' developing climate literacy; however, climate related concepts can often be challenging for students to understand. Through an NSF-funded project, we engaged with secondary science teachers to create and implement an innovative, new, four-week curriculum using investigations grounded in authentic NASA climate data and using a global climate modeling tool.
Using Quantitative Biology to Increase Mathematical Competency at Community Colleges
Textbooks often lack local, relevant examples, potentially leaving students unengaged. Yet, educators are awash with data that can tell powerful stories. A National Science Foundation grant-funded project brings together teams of biology and math faculty who develop open education resources (OERs). Learn to use the OERs with your own pertinent data sets.
Educating and Empowering Students for Action: New Jersey Student Climate Challenge
This session highlights the New Jersey Student Climate Challenge, a pilot program that seeks to support students and teachers to avoid climate change education obstacles and to engage in youth-driven climate action projects. Lessons learned from our ongoing efforts to encourage climate-focused digital storytelling and action projects will be shared.
Everyday Economics and Ecology: An Innovative Science Communication Tool
In order to aid a better understanding of ecology and conservation science, we draw analogies from everyday economics such as the variation in hotdogs to explain speciation and wealth management portfolios to the diversity of forests and so on. This tool bridges the gap between scientists and environmental education.
Mapping Local FEW Systems Using Community Organizations as "Data Brokers"
This poster shares findings from a Public Participation in Science Research pilot project to engage citizens and generate data about local food, energy, and water systems. A case story illustrates successful strategies that facilitated citizen engagement and highlights the role of food banks as significant resources and data brokers. Contributors: Sean Ryan, NAU Center for Science Teaching and Learning.
Quantifying the Impact of Education on Individual Carbon Emissions
Eugene will share outcomes from a recent paper that documents how education, if well-designed, can be as effective in reducing carbon emissions as other solutions such as rooftop solar or electric vehicles. He'll outline the key educational elements critical to the success of such programs and provide examples.
Traditional presentations
Fostering Natural Connections in An Age of Social Media Algorithms
Today's citizens are increasingly bombarded with conflicting, non-scientific information recommended by social media algorithms and trumpeted by social influencers. This session examines recent social science research on the mechanisms that drive rejection of accurate evidence discussing familiar and novel educational strategies in an age of social polarization.
Bright spots
Using Videos to Communicate Science to New Audiences
Whether your audience is students, other scientists, or the general public, videos help scientists communicate like never before. This bright spot will focus on tips and tricks for effectively communicating through videos. It will discuss using equipment and recording devices, video editing software, scripts, and beyond. Contributors: Chris Mueller, Fairfax County DPWES Stormwater; Danielle Wynne, Stormwater Planning
MyTree App for Tree Data Collection and Analysis
MyTree is a mobile app that allows students of all ages to explore the natural world, conduct field research, and contribute to a worldwide citizen science initiative. Using mobile devices, students assess the economic and ecological benefits of trees and produce data analysis reports in a simple, easy-to-read format.
FAU RISE: Research Institute—Sustainability & the Environment
FAU RISE is a nationally replicable Youth Participatory Action Research model that showcases the opportunities available to environmental education institutions that can provide direct service field experiences to high school students. RISE develops partnerships, funding, and strategies to develop environmentally literate citizenry by connecting students with research-based field experiences.
Resource Watch: Data Literacy for a Sustainable Future
Resource Watch—a data platform from World Resources Institute—presents a new guide for teachers to incorporate data literacy into their curriculum. Resource Watch enables students to use global maps to explore and visualize environmental and sustainability issues through the use of overlays, charts, and other data visualizations.
Stay Wild: Mapping 30 x 30 and Half-Earth
Conservationists around the globe are calling to preserve 30% of the globe by 2030 and half the earth by 2050 for biodiversity. In this session, you will learn how to engage students in mapping land units to bolster biodiversity and reach this bold conservation target.
Teaching Environmental Justice Through a Community Soil Lead Testing Project
Your students can learn about environmental justice issues by directly participating in a community-based project that helps keep children safe from toxic lead exposure. Collecting soil samples to test for lead is an easy way for your students to make a difference in their community, and I can show you how.
Hands-on presentation
Connecting Environmental Education Concepts Through Geographic Information Systems
Geographic Information Systems(GIS) is a powerful technology that incorporates data collection, display and analysis, and methods of sharing data. This session will focus on how ArcGIS Online, Survey 123, and ArcGIS StoryMaps engage students in studying a wide range of environmental data and issues.
Mapping Climate, Equity and K-12 Environmental Education Programs
Across the country, thousands of organizations work hard to bring environmental education programs to K-12 students, yet how do we craft a larger strategy for systemic change? Join this session to learn how data visualization and mapping tools can spark new alliances, reveal gaps in access, and accelerate climate justice.
October 7, 2021
Research poster
Using Digital Storytelling to Explore Climate Futures with Youth
Learn how digital storytelling was used in a climate education research project with secondary school students in the UK and Ireland to explore positive and negative visions of the future. As a participatory research methodology, digital storytelling results in rich qualitative data while engaging young people with constructive hope.
Research roundtable
Network Theory: Methodologies That Focus on Connections
EE research is in need of theory and tools to discusses connections between concepts, people, and organizations. In this session, we will explore and experiment with exciting ideas and tools for learning the impact of connections and flows. We will discuss ideas and some great graphing tools.
October 13, 2021
Hands-on presentation
Communicate! Data and Stories Can Build Support for Your EE Work
EE is well-positioned to address many of the conditions brought about by the confluence of COVID-19 and a growing antiracism movement. In this session, we will interactively showcase tools and strategies you can use to facilitate persuasive conversation with education decision makers. Contributor: Amy Powers, PEER Associates
Invitations to Inquiry with FieldScope: Engaging Students with Community & Citizen Science Data
Do you want to support kids in working with community and citizen science data sets? BSCS Science Learning has developed Invitations to Inquiry with FieldScope, free instructional activities designed to connect students with environmental data and build their confidence in working with the data to answer questions about the world.
Litter Lessons: Project-Based Marine Debris Education Through Citizen Science
Project-based learning (PBL) is a research-proven way to get students invested in environmental education. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Marine Debris Program will demonstrate a variety of engaging lessons integrating PBL with citizen science data to inspire students to better understand and advocate for a sea free of debris.
October 14, 2021
Hands-on presentation
Half-Earth Guided Inquiry: Mapping Charismatic Species to Understand Biodiversity Patterns
The Half-Earth Map charts data on the three most important factors for saving earth's biodiversity: where species live, global nature reserves, and human impacts such as agriculture and urbanization. Explore team-based, hands-on student inquiries using charismatic species like hummingbirds to explore the conservation data and stories of the Half-Earth Map.