
This poem connects to us using nature as a means of placing how we think and feel together. It is the musical score, with instrumentation, and tempo, and how everything fits. This poem, "Birdsong" is an anonymous one written in 1941, and is in the Jewish Museum in Prague. See if you hear, feel, see what it is saying.
He doesn't know the world at all
Who stays in his nest and doesn't go out.
He doesn't know what birds know best
Nor what I want to sing about,
That the world is full of loveliness.
When dewdrops sparkle in the grass
And earth's aflood with morning light,
A blackbird sings upon a bush
To greet the dawning after night.
Then I know how fine it is to live.
Hey, try to open your heart
To beauty; go to the woods someday
And weave a wreath of memory there.
Then if the tears obscure your way
You'll know how wonderful it is
To be alive.
Photo: Großes Walserthal in the Biosphere Park, Western AUSTRIA, by Dr. Joe Baust