Climate Action Accelerator Program


Climate Action Accelerator Program

The goal of the Climate Action Accelerator Program is to catalyze bold whole-school climate action in the K-12 sector and beyond. We must all achieve net-zero by 2050. Every sector needs leaders who need to get there decades sooner to chart the path. We are working with leading elementary, middle and secondary schools to help them create and implement hope-filled, whole-school climate action plans.

CAAP is a capacity building program where teams learn together while creating a strategic, hope-filled whole-school climate action plan.

A Bold 3-Year Commitment to Professional and Student Learning

Professional learning, student learning, and intergenerational collaboration across regions and borders, to help each other build and implement bold, hope-filled, climate action plans.

Dynamic & Collaborative Workshops

School Teams are participating together, virtually, across the country to learn and plan together. 20 hours each year.

Cross-Disciplinary Team Participation

Schools have a minimum team: 1 senior administrator, 1 faculty member, 1 facilities rep, and 2 student leaders.
Many schools in our pilot have gone well beyond this minimum!

Experienced Facilitators & Industry Experts

The CAAP facilitators have decades of experience working in all aspects of schools, along with an array of experts
contributing to topics ranging from GHG inventories to climate change education to risk and governance considerations.

School Mentoring with CAAP Facilitators

Schools can schedule 1:1 time with any of our CAAP facilitators as they work on developing and implementing their plans,
to get advice and support specific to each school's circumstances. 10 hours per year.

Strategic Framework & Other Custom-Developed Resources

A custom framework for High-Impact, Whole-School Climate Action has been developed as a guide for schools. You will also find an Inventory of High-Impact Climate Actions for Schools and other resources to help schools build their plans and take action.

A growing Community of Practice

Through Zoom, email and good old fashioned phone calls and visits, we are building a community around regenerative practices in K–12.