Coming of Age at the End of Nature


Coming of Age at the End of Nature

This is a special book that provides an important voice to the current generation of up-and-coming leaders who are also exceptionally talented writers. I met one of the authors (CJ) in October at the NAAEE Conference and had a memorable conversation with him – he’s a thoughtful, confident, realist AND a determined optimist (amazing that that’s all possible in this era).

Take a look at Coming of Age at the End of Nature.

I think you’ll find it to be a book that provides you and learners you work with a realistic AND hopeful look at our society and natural environment. And I’m sure you will be able to create many ways to use the short essays to provoke fruitful discussions among learners of all ages and backgrounds.

Living on Earth radio is hosting several readings of excerpts by contributors that could be used by educators to spark discussions. Here’s the first, on urban foraging: .