Using Outdoor Spaces for Learning at Early Childhood Centers and K-12 Schools During COVID-19


Using Outdoor Spaces for Learning at Early Childhood Centers and K-12 Schools During COVID-19

Evidence increasingly suggests that the risk of the spread of COVID-19 and other infectious diseases is significantly lower in outdoor settings when appropriate measures are taken. Moreover, particularly during these stressful times, outdoor learning can benefit students' mental health and well-being, physical health, engagement, and academic success. Outdoor classrooms are a cost-effective option for addressing the pragmatic need to expand school capacity for learning that will have long term and lasting benefits in other areas as well. But how do you go about advocating for and utilizing your school’s grounds for learning?

The Colorado Alliance for Environmental Education is honored to welcome ADRIENNE SEDLAK, Education and Outreach Manager for the Early Childhood Health Outdoors program at the National Wildlife Federation and CHANTEL ESTES, NBCT and an engineering teacher at Roxborough Primary and Intermediate, to share:

  • EASY ways you can set up a schoolyard or childcare center to support outdoor learning during COVID
  • Strategies and ideas for taking students outside

Both presenters are Colorado EE Award Recipients for their innovative and outstanding work in this area!

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